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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Owl Gold (Hand-Painted)

heyy , guys ... berhubung aku estk army , so aku browsing n dapet web online shop mereka ... art design nya sepasang kekasih yaitu Alexia Rodriguez (ESTK) n Alex Lopez (Suicide Silence) ... ok , mungkin kalian mikir , buat apa aku bilang begitu padahal ini blog kan buat para pecinta owl ... eits ... tunggu dulu ... dari hasil browsing ku itu , aku dapet gambar Owl Gold (Hand-Painted) karya mereka n yang pasti itu dijual di online shop itu , harganya $80.00 ... tapi lagi sold out guys ...

Image of Owl Gold (Hand-Painted) 15x15 Chipboard (SOLD)

buat kalian yang tertarik buat liat-liat yang lain ... aku kasih link web nya dehh ... secret destroyers

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

List of Guardians of Ga'Hoole characters

Characters from the Main Storyline

The Band

  • Soren – The main protagonist a male Barn Owl, Tyto alba, leader of "the Band." Soren was born in the Kingdom of Tyto, where he lived with his father, Noctus, his mother, Marella, his two siblings, Kludd and Eglantine, and the family’s nestmaid, a blind snake named Mrs. Plithiver. He was snatched by patrols from St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls after Kludd pushed him from the nest. He later escaped with his friend Gylfie and together the two met Twilight and Digger before journeying to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. After many adventures, Soren becomes a Guardian of Ga'Hoole,leader of The Band, leader or the Chaw of Chaws after, a member of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and the ryb of the weather interpretation and colliering chaw after Ezylryb died. He is the mate of Pellimore and the father of Bell, Blythe, and Bash. Soren has starsight, allowing him to view glimpses of the future through his dreams. At the end of The War of the Ember he becomes king of the Great Tree after Coryn's death. Portrayed by Jim Sturgess in the film.
  • Gylfie – A female Elf Owl, Micrathene whitneyi, who is Soren’s best friend and part of "the Band." Gylfie was hatched in a cactus in the Desert of Kuneer and was snatched by patrols from St. Aggie’s after trying to fly before her wings had completely fledged. She escaped with Soren, and after befriending Twilight and Digger, came to the Great Ga'hoole tree. She later becomes the navigation ryb. Gylfie is both articulate and intelligent, although less reliant on books than Otulissa. Portrayed by Emily Barclay in the film.
  • Twilight – A male Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa. It is revealed in The Guide Book to the Great Tree that he was the son of a famous poet, Skye, his mother, and was named Cassius when he was hatched. He was snatched by St. Aggies but escaped when he bit one of his captor’s talons clean off. He is part of "The Band." Soren and Gylfie meet him after escaping from St. Aggie’s. He claims that he taught himself everything about surviving and was abandoned within hours of hatching. He dealt the final blow to Kludd, the ruler of the Pure Ones, in the Battle of the Burning. One of the only times he is injured in battle was in "The Golden Tree" during the Battle of the Book of Kreeth, when he faced off against Nyra, he was slashed across his chest and almost died but was saved by the two flying snakes, Slynella and Stingyll, with their healing venom. It is revealed in The War of the Ember that he has two brothers, Tavis and Cletus, that he had never met, as they left shortly before he was born. He is very confident and boastful, and is constantly singing songs about himself, but he still has a very good heart. He is now a Guardian of Ga'Hoole at the Ga'Hoole Tree in the search-and-rescue chaw. Portrayed by Anthony LaPaglia in the film.
  • Digger – A very smart tracking Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia<.i>, who is part of "the Band." Born in the Desert of Kuneer, he was separated from his parents when owls from St. Aggie’s attacked his family and ate his brother. He is now a Guardian of Ga'Hoole at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree in the tracking chaw. He is a very deep thinker, and can often come up with things that others can not. It is revealed in The Shattering that he has a huge crush on Sylvana. Portrayed by David Wenham in the film.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

dubbing : legend of the guardian

Let us now see who are the voices behind the characters for the movie, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole Movie.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

how to make owl muffin




burung hantu dan hantu

 burung hantu ... dari namanya aja kita pasti bakal mengira , ini burung apa hantu ?? haha , tetep , ini burung hantu , bukan hantu . ini nih ada kepercayaan yang sudah mendarah daging di masyarakat tentang keberadaan burung hantu .
 enjoy read ...

owl mhytos

pernah lihat limbad kan dan burung hantunya, atau pernah lihat harry potter dimana burung hantu merupakan hewan peliharaannya penyihir.
Burung hantu sering sekali dikaitkan dengan mitos mitos terutama hal negatif.
Dari namanya saja burung ini sudah mendapat julukan yang menakutkan. Masyarakat di daerah Jawa mempercayai burung ini sahabat hantu atau setan sehingga jika burung ini berbunyi dipercaya tak jauh dari situ ada kawanan hantu. Sedangkan di Bali burung hantu yang berbunyi di areal rumah atau tetangga menandakan ada wanita yang sedang ngidam.
Lantas mengapa burung ini dinamai burung hantu? Ada beberapa versi yang bisa menjelaskan asal muasal ini. Pertama, burung ini mampu terbang dengan senyap dan kemudian bersiul. Perpindahan yang begitu cepat tanpa suara dipersepsikan seperti hantu sehingga dinamai burung hantu. Padahal rahasia terbang senyap tersebut ada pada bulu halus bagian pangkal sayapnya Versi kedua, burung ini sering memberi tanda tanda firasat buruk. Kematian diidentiikan dengan hantu dan setan sehingga burung ini dianggap jelmaan hantu atau peliharaan para hantu.

Bagaimana dengan mitos burung hantu di mancanegara? Di luar negeri burung ini juga bernasib sama:

Owl mistery

Sejak zaman dulu, cerita mistis seputar hewan malam ini sudah beredar dimana-mana. Apalagi ditambah dengan wujudnya yang cukup menyeramkan. Matanya yang bulat besar, serta tumpukan bulu di dahinya semakin menambah efek horror ketika melihat sosoknya. Bahkan di beberapa budaya, burung hantu dianggap sebagai simbol keajaiban. Seperti apa kisah seru di balik binatang yang lagi ngetop di dunia fashion ini?